SED is a web platform custom made for the use of La Positiva's operational staff six years ago, the main functionality of the platform is create and generate complementary workers compensation insurance (SCTR). After three years they needed to grant access to the platform for the brokers because until that moment the brokers had to ask to the operational staff for the creation of the SCTR in SED and suddenly they became a bottleneck for the process, generating delays of 1 or 2 days that had impact in the final user (la positiva's customer) experience.
I was hired in La Positiva to lead agile projects because they had been working with traditional methodology so my mission was also coach to all the people involved in the project teaching them the SCRUM Framework including all its ceremonies and also accompany the product owner and assist him during the entire project.
"La Positiva wanted to improve their relationship with their brokers making their work easier because they are the ones that bring most of the clients to the company"
This project included a phase of research to understand the users of the platform as well as their motivations and frustrations. Also included the creation of a new vision of the product and its roadmap.
The output of this project was the platform with a new a more intuitive design that would guarantee a better experience for the users (tested with real users).
The outcome was an increment in the percentage of use of the platform, that passed from 20% to 50% of brokers using it after the first release.
First of all, I tried to understand the process of creation and generation of SCTR in SED by myself doing desk research and also navigating through the platform, just to get to know the process and also familiarize with the terminology.
As a second step, I used shadowing with operational staff, to get to know how and why they were using the platform.
After that, I performed interviews with brokers and operational staff to understand their experience with the platform, their frustrations and also motivations.

As part of the research I organized a workshop with all the areas involved in the process of creation of SCTR, there I tried to identify the pains and also generate ideas to improve the experience of the users. As a result, at the end of the workshop we had a list of improvement opportunities prioritized.
With all the information I created a roadmap for the project, there I separated the improvement opportunities related with functionalities of the platform from the ones involved with it's UX and UI. All of these previously prioritized with the PO considering the objective we defined at the beginning of the project that was increment the use of the platform and also improve the experience of its users.

For this part, first of all I conducted a heuristic evaluation of the platform, this because I wanted to identify how good or how bad was the platform in terms of usability.
I also conducted a usability testing, and the users selected were employees from La Positiva and also brokers outside the company because what I was aiming is to improve the experience for everyone and the operations staff from La Positiva had certain BIAS because they had already been using the tool for a long time, so for them it was really easy to use, but actually it was really confusing for a person outside the organization like myself.
This was the site before.......
This was the proposal....

This is what I learned......
In this project I learned how to work with people that is not willing to collaborate or to leave their daily activities at work to participate in workshops or interviews.
Also I practiced my abilities to lead massive events and also work with developers, UI designers, etc.
This project was the first one in the company with the HCD approach so I had to deal with a lot of resistance from the members of the team and also from the people involved in the project.